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Hai to Gensou no Grimgar (2016)

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar (2016)
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar (2016)

Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantas
Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Jan 11, 2016 to Mar 28, 2016
Premiered: Winter 2016
Broadcast: Mondays at 00:30 (JST)
Producers: Toho Company
Licensors: FUNimation Entertainment
Studios: A-1 Pictures
Source: Light novel

This is the only thing the youth of Hai to Gensou no Grimgar remember before awakening in an unknown building in a medieval landscape enshrouded in darkness. They don't remember anything besides their own names. What's stranger is that sometimes they catch themselves saying words that they don't understand, even though they seem so familiar.

The group of strangers is told that in order to make a living, they would have to join the Reserve Army forces to keep the town safe from nearby monsters. The stronger looking people form a team to join the Reserve Army and depart, leaving Manato, Haruhiro, Ranta, Yume, Mogzo, and Shihoru to fend for themselves. But how will they get by if they can't even defeat the weakest of monsters?

Born from the ashes of their old memories, the ragtag team of six start a new life in the world of Grimgar. (

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Subtitle - Indonesia
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The Three Heroes and Five Gallants (2016)

The Three Heroes and Five Gallants (2016)
The Three Heroes and Five Gallants (2016)

Country: China
Type: Drama
Episodes: 42
Airs: Feb 17, 2016 to Nov 30, 2015
Network: Anhui TV
Duration: 45 min.
Native title: 五鼠闹东京
Also Known as: Wǔ shǔ nào dōngjīng; The Five Gallants;

Another retelling of the famous The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants by Shi Yu Kun. The story tells of the loyal men who supported judge Bao Zheng.


Musaigen no Phantom World (2016)

Musaigen no Phantom World (2016)
Musaigen no Phantom World (2016)

Genres: Action, Fantasy, Supernatural
Type: TV
Episodes: Unknown
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Jan 7, 2016 to ?
Premiered: Winter 2016
Broadcast: Thursdays at 00:00 (JST)
Producers: None found, add some
Licensors: None found, add some
Studios: Kyoto Animation
Source: Light novel

You can't believe everything you see, or can't see, for that matter. In Musaigen no Phantom World, Phantoms, beings that blur the line between illusion and reality, wander around right under the noses of unsuspecting humans. Their origins are mysterious and few can see themーthat is, until a research facility bombing spreads a virus that grants the ability to. Humans with special powers are given the task of sealing the troublemaking Phantoms.

Haruhiko Ichijou is one such Phantom Hunter. Not a very good one, however. Posessing a wealth of useless knowledge, a tendency to go off on tangents, and a rather slow Phantom-sealing ability, he and his rambunctious teammate Mai Kawakami are at the bottom of the Phantom Hunter ladder at Hosea Academy. In order to become stronger, they recruit new teammates and develop new powers, only to stumble upon secrets surrounding Phantoms and the circumstances surrounding the mysterious bombing of the Alayashiki Research Facility. (


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Subtitle - Indonesia
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The Choice (2016)

The Choice (2016)
The Choice (2016)

Genres: Drama | Romance
Director: Ross Katz
Writers: Bryan Sipe (screenplay), Nicholas Sparks (novel)
Stars: Benjamin Walker, Teresa Palmer, Alexandra Daddario
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 5 February 2016 (USA)
Opening Weekend: $6,050,443 (USA) (5 February 2016)
Gross: $13,259,551 (USA) (12 February 2016)

Travis and Gabby first meet as neighbors in a small coastal town and wind up in a relationship that is tested by life's most defining events.

Greetings again from the darkness. When the word formulaic is used to describe a movie or book, it's typically meant as a disparagement. We must admit, however, that if the formula works, it only makes sense (and dollars) to stick with it. Most Hollywood blockbuster franchises are built around a basic formula – superheroes, romantic-comedies, alien invasions, etc. Author Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook) has taken his tragic-romance novel formula and turned it into big screen gold. This is the eleventh film developed from his writing, and it's likely to be another successful entry into the Sparks canon.

Director Ross Katz (Adult Beginners, 2015) is at the helm of the screenplay by Bryan Sipe (upcoming Demolition) and many of the familiar Sparks features are present. First off, the key players are all exceedingly attractive – Ralph Lauren model attractive. Secondly, there is a will they/won't they romance that will of course happen and then may fall apart, but probably won't. And third, some type of tragedy will occur that will kick off a stream of tears from a certain segment of the audience.

This one begins with a narrator's humble-brag promising to tell us the "secret of life". That narrator is Travis, played with an over-flowing abundance of southern charm by Benjamin Walker (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, 2012). His main vices are a tendency to use "damn" to the point of overkill in most every conversation, and his natural ability to attract the ladies. Oh, and he has a rescue dog and a lake house and he is a veterinarian. See, in the Sparks universe, everyone is beautiful and successful. Travis has his eye on his new neighbor, who is pretending to be annoyed but mostly admits to playing a game of hard-to-get. This is Gabby (Teresa Palmer, Warm Bodies 2013), and she is beautiful and a doctor-to-be. Gabby's current boyfriend is, of course, a handsome doctor. Ryan is played by Tom Welling (a bit heftier than his days as Clark Kent/Superman in "Smallville"). (David Ferguson (


Dagashi Kashi (2016)

Dagashi Kashi
Dagashi Kashi
Genres: Comedy, Shounen
Episodes: Unknown
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Jan 8, 2016 to ?
Premiered: Winter 2016
Broadcast: Fridays at 02:16 (JST)
Producers: Pony Canyon, TBS, BS-TBS
Licensors: FUNimation Entertainment
Studios: Feel
Source: Manga

Out in the countryside stands a sweet shop run by the Shikada family for nine generations: Shikada Dagashi, a small business selling traditional Japanese candy. However, despite his father's pleas, Kokonotsu Shikada, an aspiring manga artist, adamantly refuses to inherit the family business.

However, this may start to change with the arrival of the eccentric Hotaru Shidare. Hotaru is in search of Kokonotsu's father, with the goal of bringing him back to work for her family's company, Shidare Corporation, a world famous sweets manufacturer. Although the senior Shikada initially refuses, he states that he will change his mind on one condition: if Hotaru can convince Kokonotsu to take over the family their shop. And so begins Hotaru's mission to enlighten the boy on the true joy of delicious, nostalgic, and inexpensive dagashi! [Written by MAL Rewrite-]


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Subtitle - Indonesia
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Awl Subtitle Indonesia

Drama: Awl (literal title)
Revised romanization: Songgot
Hangul: 송곳
Cast: Ji Hyun-Woo, Ahn Nae-Sang, Hyun Woo, Yesung, Park Si-Hwan, Kim Ga-Eun, Kim Hee-Won, Jo Jae-Ryong, Baek Hyun-Joo, Lee Jung-Eun, Hwang Jung-Min, Shin Yun-Sook, Ahn Sang-Woo, Kim Joong-Ki, Daniel, Jung Won-Joong, Martin
Genre: Comedy, Family
Director: Kim Suk-Yoon
Writer: Choi Gyu-Seok (original comic), Lee Nam-Kyu, Kim Soo-Jin
Network: JTBC
Episodes: 12
Release Date: October 24 – November 29, 2015
Runtime: Saturdays & Sundays 21:40
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea

Lee Soo In adalah seorang pria yang mempunyai sikap sedikit pemarah dan selalu melakukan tindakan yang ceroboh tanpa menghiraukan apapun akibatnya. Meskipun begitu ia memiliki jiwa keadilan yang tinggi.

Suatu hari Soo In diperintah oleh bosnya untuk memecat temannya tanpa alasan yang jelas. Ia tidak terima diperlakukan smena-mena hingga akhirnya membentuk sebuah aliansi dengan beberapa teman karyawan yang sudah dipecat untuk melawan mantan bos nya itu.

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Sumber: Dramakorea

4 Pemikiran yang Akan Bikin Kamu Selalu Gagal

Bukan hanya di bidang bisnis, ketika kamu menginginkan sesuatu untuk dicapai, pasti pernah mengalami kegagalan. Memang, kegagalan bukan akhir dari segalanya. Tapi yang paling penting kamu tahu apa yang harus diperbaiki dan bagaimana caranya kesalahan tersebut tak akan terulang lagi.

Majalah Time menulis, sekiranya ada empat hal yang menjadi penyebab selalu gagal. Agar kamu berhasil di masa depan, cobalah untuk menghindari keempat pemikiran di bawah ini.

Berada di lingkungan orang-orang yang setuju dengan pendapatmu.
Mungkin kamu pernah memiliki teman dengan sifat ini. Mereka memilih untuk berada di antara orang-orang yang setuju dengan pendapatnya. Ketika mereka mengatakan sesuatu sementara orang lain yang mendengarkan tidak sepakat, mereka tidak bisa menerima hal ini. Hal ini tidak baik buatmu karena kamu tidak akan pernah mengerti dan tahu ada pendapat-pendapat lain yang dimiliki orang lain. Hati-hati juga dengan orang-orang yang takut mengatakan kalau pemikiranmu salah selama ini.

Percaya dengan hasil di masa lalu.
Banyak orang yang menggunakan data-data di masa lalu untuk menentukan masa depan. Belajar dari sejarah memang tidak salah. Tapi, ada kasus-kasus tertentu yang tidak bsia diselesaikan dengan metode yang sama. Ketika kamu hanya terpaku pada sejarah dan tidak mencari sebab yang lain, di sinilah kegagalan akan berulang kali menghampiri.

Hanya mengandalkan kisah sukses sebagai pembelajaran.
Kamu memang harus belajar dari siapa pun, termasuk dengan orang-orang yang sukses. Tapi, ada banyak sumber untuk belajar. Jangan hanya mengandalkan kisah sukses mereka, tapi juga harus belajar bagaimana menggunakan waktumu serta usaha yang keras. Gabungkan ketiga hal ini agar kamu bisa sukses di masa depan.

Kamu berpikir hari terakhir di sekolah adalah hari terakhir untuk belajar.
Ingatkah ketika kamu lulus dari SMA atau universitas? Banyak orang yang merasa lega pada saat itu. Soalnya mereka merasa tidak lagi terbebani dengan pelajaran. Mereka juga berpikir saat itulah hari terakhir mereka membuka buku dan mengerjakan banyak tugas. Padahal, kamu tidak boleh berhenti belajar. Ketika kamu sudah bekerja pun, tetap harus terus belajar tentang hal yang baru dan terus mengasah keahlianmu.
